Environment and Landscape

Paragraph 1


Under the new legislation, bodies responsible for land-use planning should provide for the strategic environmental assessment of planning and programming instruments, in order to promote sustainable development and a high level of environmental protection.

The experience led in different territorial realities, industry experts who work in the company GISTERR, were made of decision support systems (DSS-Decision Support System), GIS-based, strategic environmental assessment (SEA) of urban and territorial plans, made in accordance with the EU Directive 2001/42/EC transposed with the part according to the D.lgs. April 3, 2006, no. 152, as amended and supplemented by Legislative Decree No. 4 January 16, 2008 and by Decree No. 128 June 29, 2010 posted in Gazz. Uff. August 11, 2010, no. 186.


In addition to the VAS, GISTERR is specialized in the drafting of VinCa, through the support of numerous experts who have been working for decades in the Agro-Forestry and botanist.

The evaluation of incidence is the process of preventive character to which you should submit any plan or project likely to have significant effects on a site or proposed Natura 2000 site, individually or in combination with other plans and projects and in the light of the objectives of conservation of the site itself. This procedure was introduced by article 6, paragraph 3, of the habitats directive in order to safeguard the integrity of the sites through the examination of interference of plans and projects not directly related to the conservation of habitats and species for which they were identified, but can affect the environmental balance.
-See more at: http://www.minambiente.it/pagina/la-valutazione-di-incidenza#sthash.jrZXtpjk.dpuf

The recipients include public and private agencies to which you are able to offer a solid support for the drafting of Via, Vas, VinCa, etc.